Sunday, May 4, 2008

Muckleneuk: exquisite greenery abound

A friend of mine stays in an apartment with this view of lush greenery. One would be forgiven for assuming this is at the coast, but instead in Pretoria which is fairly north in South Africa.

The same area as above, but from a different angle, showing the Telkom tower. Telkom is the current telecoms monopoly that whose power is only now waning, finally. It makes for a good shot though, this beast of steel and concrete, towering out above this lush forest-like bed.

Here we have a nice plant close-up shot with the Nikon on manual to obtain a good macro shot without autofocus disrupting things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog. Thanks for the photos. I'm definitely visiting South Africa for the 2010. It's gonna be great!

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